Master of Starling Suren Chirping Champion 2024 is a free 2024 offline Master Starling Suren Bird application, favorite of Starling Suren mania chirping which contains the best, best and champion songs of Starling Suren birds.
The suren starling (Sturnus contra) or uren starling is a species of starling found in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. These birds are usually found in small groups at the foot of valleys and in lowlands.
Suren starlings are often found in cities and rural areas, although they are not as bold as the purple-rumped bird. The Suren starling has several feather variations in its population, and to date five subspecies have been identified.
This starling is medium sized, black and white. The differences between males and females are in body length, skin around the eyes, feathers, tail and toes. Like other passerine birds, the Suren starling has anisodactyl type feet where three toes face forward and one toe faces backwards.
It chooses a place to live near water, namely in tree holes and usually looks for food on the ground. Not infrequently this bird goes down to the water to look for food. A nest usually contains four to six plain shiny blue eggs.
Eggs hatch after 14-15 days. They produce a variety of chirps with clear sounds. This is why this bird is much sought after by bird lovers. This is different with the Sema Naga, a Great Dragon tribe in India.
They believe this bird is the reincarnation of humans, so they don't want to eat this bird. However, this bird is also used as a symbol of a tame bird that guards the house. It is known that if someone comes to the house, they will sing loudly and variedly. So that this bird continues to sing diligently, this bird should be kept with black starlings.
For fans of Suren Starlings, you can download the 2024 Champion Suren Starling Master song application as a reference for Suren Starlings, because in this application there are several Suren Starling birdsong that can be used as a chirping master or to train your Suren Starling.
The chirping sound automatically loops or continues. The Master 2024 Starling Suren Chirping Master application can be used offline or without an internet connection.
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